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Special Introductory Offer: Your $399 Investment brings you $1080!


12 Prevascar and 12 Bruise Fader for just $399

Your $399 investment brings you $681 in profit!

Better results for patients. Profits for your practice .... Everyone wins

Having products for scarring and bruising available at your front desk is good for everyone. Patients love that you care, that they are taking an active role and that they don't have to go to the pharmacy.

Empower Your Patients With The Most Effective At Home Treatments

Simply tell your patients that scar care makes a difference, and that they can get the best products at your front desk, will turn postop visits into profits. They will also love that they are taking an active role to make their results look better.


The invisible silicone Nano-Sheet!

Silicone sheets have been a gold-standard for scar therapy for decades. They work, where creams don't. But they are ugly, so compliance is low. Our patented paint-on liquid dries in 5 seconds to an invisible silicone nano-sheet, the thickness of a single skin cell, and also delivers vitamin E. Independent studies have shown up to a 75% reduction in postoperative scarring when used for 12 weeks after the wound has closed.

Bruises are unavoidable with cosmetic injections, but the stress for you and the patient when they occur, is avoidable!

Bruises can turn a happy patient into an upset patient. We have all been there! If you tell them that there is something at your front desk to help fix the problem, the stress level goes down instantly. Bruise Fader is a multi-technology, patented regimen. It can be taken before the treatment or after a bruise has occurred. Doctors love it, as it can rescue the experience and increase profits.

Easily Market Prevascar, Bruise Fader & ScarLight To Your Patients

Simply tell your patients that post-operative treatment counts and that you have the best products at your front desk, and the products will sell themselves. Busy hands are happy hands. They are happier that they are doing something positive, and their results will be better. The practice profits, the patient looks better and is happier, and everyone wins.

Let Us Help You Grow Your Practice

We have dedicated associates to personally assist you with questions about adding products to your practice. They have years of real-office experience. Call Kim today at 516-482-8050